ISMAANA Scholarship Programs

December 30, 2021 0 comments ISMAANA Admin Categories Patrika Q4 2021

Currently ISMAANA has two types of ongoing scholarship and academic excellence programs.

Academic Excellence Awards

Following is a list of eight final year students who were chosen for ISMAANA academic excellence awards in November 2021.

Sl.No Admission No Name Discipline OGPA upto 6th sem.
1 18JE0451 Mr. Madhav Singhal B. Tech Mining Engg. 9.04
2 18JE0118 Mr. Aniruddhe Anand B. Tech Mining Engg. 8.79
3 18JE0764 Mr. Shashank Shekhar B. Tech Petroleum  Engg. 9.31
4 18JE0147 Mr. Anurag Jain B. Tech Petroleum Engg. 9.13
5 18JE0844 Mr. Sudeep Kumar Gupta Integrated M.Sc Tech Applied Geophysics 9.01
6 18JE0135 Mr. Ankita Jaiswal Integrated M.Tech Applied Geophysics 8.67
7 18JE0494 Mr. Mohammed Fazal Khattal Integrated M.Tech Applied Geology 8.74
8 18JE0445 Ms. Leeviya TS Integrated M.Tech Applied Geology 8.30

ISMAANA started these awards in 2015 to recognize top two students from four earth science branches based on the first three years of academic performance. Starting new academic year in August 2022, these eight academic excellence awards shall be awarded to top 8 students in four earth science branches and four major departments of electrical, mechanical, electronic engineering and Computer science.

Merit cum means scholarships

These scholarships started in 2017 and currently ISMAANA has alumni commitment for 56 such scholarships that are based on family income and academic performance. Amount of these scholarships range from $1000/year to $1370/year. These scholarships are intended to mainly cover student expenses related to room, board, and transportation. During 2021-22 academic year 38 scholarships were continued for undergraduate students who carried over their scholarships from 2020-21, while 18 new awardees will be selected from new applications at the beginning of second semester starting January 2022. Following is a list of our generous alumni with number of scholarships each of them are funding.

# Alumni Sponsored scholarships # Alumni Sponsored
1 Naresh Vashisht 20 9 Shishir Agrawal 1
2 Avinash Ahuja 10 10 Yugal Gupta 4
3 Suresh Chugh 4 11 Mahendra Verma 2
4 Mohinder Gulati 1 12 Atul Arya 1
5 Pramod Thakur 1 13 Sriram Muralidharan 5
6 Jitender Tuli 1 14 Raj Prasad 1
7 Dipak Sarkar 1 15 Bijay Banthia 2
8 Zoeb Mogri 1 16 Rana Roy 1

Ishwar Singh (PE’70) is starting a $3000/year scholarship in the Petroleum Engineering Department of Texas A & M University (TAMU) for an IIT (ISM) graduate pursuing Master’s or PhD degree program at TAMU. The scholarship is scheduled to start in Fall semester 2021.

If you need more information about these scholarships or would like to sponsor additional scholarships, please call Dipak Sarkar at 714 826-2810 or write to